Thursday, March 6, 2008

Law School Is Going To Make Me Really Poor

So, barring a miracle (i.e., I get accepted off Loyola's wait list), I will be a 1L at Marquette University in the fall. Given the fact that there are TONS of 1L blogs out there, it'd probably be wise not to go that route. Oh well, I'm not "wise" anyway, hence why I am going to law school.

First thoughts on law school:

1. Oh, shit.

2. $150,000 in debt you say?

3. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Free Pretzel

The Purple Car (aka The Purple People Eater) has been out of commission since last Friday. So, instead of going home for lunch, I've had to find food around where I work.

The food selection around the office where I work is VERY limited. Today, I walked across the street to the cafe at the High Museum. For those of you who don't live in the ATL...Yes, we do have a museum called the "High," pretty sweet.

I ordered a pretzel (mainly because my stomach is killing me from the Chicago style pizza I ate last night) and the lady at the cafe's counter proceeded to grab me a pretzel. I took out my credit card to pay, to which she responded, "We're cash only..." I scanned the lobby for a few seconds, trying to look sad/pick out an ATM. She quickly said, "Don't worry about it, I'll just give it to you."

I walked away, happy that I got a free pretzel. Free pretzels are really the key to life I think. They put a positive spin on stuff. Just wanted to throw that out there.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Rael '08

It is the Monday before Super Tuesday and I wish it were November already. Last Friday I saw a group of Ron Paul supporters picketing on a corner close to my house. The ringleader had a bullhorn and he kept sounding its siren. One picketer was carrying a sign that said "Sound Monetary Policy." When I saw him, I started laughing hysterically. Since I'm not thirty-five, I can't run for President. If I could, I'd stick to concepts the American people understand. You have to appreciate the effort though.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Ann Coulter Sucks At Life

Awww, poor Ann Coulter, why is everyone picking on her? Here's a thought: Stop denigrating people for your own personal gain. If Coulter couldn't put others down, she would literally have nothing. So, while she may continue to lament about being harassed where she resides, I'm not handing out any tissues. Actually, you know what, that'd be mean. She can have some tissue paper from the bathroom where I work. The really rough kind of tissue paper that will probably cause her nose to chafe. That'll teach her!

Joe Biden Is A Pimp

I think Biden has a lot of moxy. He may not end up being his party's candidate for president, but he's definately making his mark. I personally wouldn't f**k with Mahmoud though, homeboy is a former Iranian Secret Agent.